Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ganotherapy- World's Best Curing System

DXN Ganotherapy

As our body is made from trillions of cells (cells -> tissues -> organs -> human body) and it is the smallest unit of a human body, consuming Ganoderma works on Cells of our body but not on a specific disease and makes it healthy...If CELLS ARE HEALTHY = BODY IS HEALTHY [:)]
"GANODERMA is for Health,  whereas DRUGS are specific to Diseases or Symptoms
Ganotherapy in general
In the world today, majority of the population are in the state of 'pre-illness' due to environmental pollution, stresses and unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming diets which are high in fats, cholesterol, sugar, salt and chemical additives. Under these circumstances, it is wise to prevent any deterioration in health rather than seek a cure after illness prevails as the saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure.”

Ganotherapy is one of the holistic approached to alternative complementary medicine. The underlying belief is that our body is the best doctor. Our body immune system when at its optimum condition is able to fight numerous diseases at one time, knowing the priority and without having side effects. All we see or feel is the reactions as it gets rid of the toxins and cure the illnesses. In Ganotherapy, it uses Ganoderma extracts from the fruit body and its mycelium to gain health.

The 4 basic principles of Ganotherapy are:
1. Illnesses are caused by 2 sources; Toxins in our body and disharmony in body functions.
2. Ganoderma does not cure illness, but it helps to balance up our body system and improve immunity against diseases.
3. Any reaction that takes place is caused by our body system and not by the intake of Ganoderma.
4. The dosage of Ganoderma taken is irrelevant to diseases.

Stages in Ganotherapy
There are several stages in Ganotherapy .

Stage 1: Scanning (1-30 days)
Ganoderma helps to regulate the body functions. During the initial intake, the scanning effect will reflect in several reactions of the body, through which we may identify the ailing areas of the body.

Stage 2: Cleansing –Detoxification (1-30 weeks)
1. Uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat and calcium deposit, bad tissue and other chemicals
accumulated in our body are toxins
2. The toxins are removed from our body by:
>> Sweating
>> The circulation system (Kidney & liver) and then discharged from the body through urination and stool.
>> Boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.

Stage 3: Regulating (1- 12 months)
1. Balancing effect of Ganoderma helps to regulate the body functions.
2. Many reactions can be observed during regulation. This is a sign that the body is healing and one should not worry about it.
3. One should continue to consume Reishi Gano (RG).
4. If the reaction is too vigorous, reduce the dosage and/or increase intake of Ganocelium (GL)
5. After the reaction in reduced or over, resume normal dosage. The reaction may come back but proceed with the dosage.

Stage 4: Building (6 -24 months)
1. This is the process of building and healing body parts that have sustained injuries or damage.
2. Strengthening the immune system, improving physical strength and mental calmness and creating more resistance to diseases.
3. Supplying essential elements to the body, such as minerals and triterpenoid for the recovery of bodily functions.

Stage 5: Regenerating (1 – 3 years)
1. This is the ultimate aim of Ganotherapy.
2. It is the process whereby our body is functioning at its optimum level and has a rejuvenating effect (restore youthful appearance, strength and peace of mind).

Based on the scientific studies and practical experience with patients, by Medical Professionals and Experts, the following suggestions are furnished. Please send your queries with proper Medical Reports for analysis by our PANEL DOCTORS, in the case of serious / multiple / terminal sickness.
  • Helps reduction of blood sugar levels ( over a period of time)
  • Helps prevention of  Diabetic Complications (like Nephropathy, Neuropathy, Retinopathy, Heart problems, body pains, Ulcers, Gum bleeding)
  • Improves Body Energy and Muscle strength.
  • Reduces Polydypsia, Polyphagia and Polyuria
RG , GL, Spirulina, DXN Tea
Lingzhi Coffee, Ganozhi paste
  • Reduces Joint pains & general Body pains
  • Reduces Inflammations
  • Improves Lubrication of Joints
  • Removes Toxins, Infections and Uric acid
  • Increases Muscle / Bone strength
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
DXN Tea, Massage oil

  • Reduces Pressure Fluctuations
  • Reduces risk of Heart problems
  • Reduces risk of Kidney damages
  • Improves Blood circulation
  • Protection for the Pregnant Women with BP
  • Prevents emotional disturbances; calms the mind
RG, GL, Spirulina, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Reduces attacks of ‘Wheezing’ & Cough
  • Chest congestion reduces
  • Improves Oxygen absorption
  • Improves ‘Natural Immune System’
  • Improves quality of Sleep
  • Improves overall Energy and Stamina
RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee
  • Reduces the frequency of allergic attacks
  • Improves the immune system
  • Enhances healing of the Tissues /Skin after allergy
  • Reduces inflammation, itching and pains
RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee,
  • Improves the Heart function and pumping efficiency
  • Clears vessel blocks and improves Circulation
  • Improves Oxygen absorption and reduces ‘Panting’
  • strengthen the heart muscles
  • Improves walls of the blood vessels and elasticity
  • Reduces chest congestion & Oedema 
RG, GL, Spirulina, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Improves Kidney functions
  • Controls Urea and Creatinin
  • Balances the Bio-chemistry
  • Helps reduction of frequency of Dialysis
  • Balances body fluids; Reduces Oedema
  • Helps prevention of further Kidney damage
  • Reduces body pains; Protects Heart & Lungs
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
  • Detoxifies the Liver
  • Reduces the Fat accumulation
  • Improves general Liver functions
  • Improves vascularity of the Liver
  • Helps ‘ Liver-cell Regeneration’
  • Improves overall Energy and Digestion capacity
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
  • Inhibits Metastasis of cancer ( spread of cancer)
  • Improves recovery with Medical treatment
  • Reduces ‘side-effects’ of other therapies – Chemo/Radio
  • Inhibits further growth of ‘Tumour’
  • Reduces Pains of Cancer, Tumour and Surgery
  • Helps recovery from Protein Loss ( Hair loss particularly)
  • Improves general Energy; Improves memory functions
  • Extends ‘Life span’ ; Improves Q of living
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
  • Balances ‘Bio Electric’ problems of the body
  • Improves functions of Heart and Kidney
  • Reduces building up of Static Electric charges in the body
  • Quicker recovery/ healing of the patients ‘Post- Recovery’
  • Improves all nerve Conductivity and general ‘Reflex’
  • Reduces :- Tremor; Coordination problems; Sleeplessness
  • Reduces Pains of the Patients
  • Helps in compensating for the Neurological Deficits
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Improves & Balances ALL the immune System functions
  • Improves Energy and reduces dependence on Drugs
  • Extends life-span; Improves Q of life
  • Reduces the risk of frequent ‘Infection’
  • Improves Energy and Stamina
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi
  • Improves the functions of ‘Endocrine glands’
  • Balances all the Hormones  
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi
  • Improves Sperm counts & Motility
  • Helps removal of blocks in the Fallopian Tubes
  • Regulates Menstrual cycle
  • Helps recovery from problems associated with Thyroid, PCOD and Fibroid
  • Strengthens the Uterus for bearing the Conception
  • Improves blood count and improves from Anaemia
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Reduces Menstrual ‘Cramps’
  • Reduces pains and excess bleeding
  • Balances ‘Menstrual Cycle’ ; Regularizes the ‘Periods’
  • Reduces problems due to ‘ Menopausal Syndrome’
  • Improves ‘ Fertility’ and ‘Potency’
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Improves Energy;
  • Muscle Strength & Nervous strength
  • Reduces ‘Fatigue’& Improves ‘Stamina’
RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
  • Calms the mind; Improves quality of Sleep
  • Body Hormones are balanced
  • Improves Oxygen absorption and body Energy out-put
  • Acts as ‘Anti-Oxidant’.
  • Improves blood circulation and reduces general ‘Body Pains’
RG, GL, DXN Tea, Cocozhi
  • Reduces Tension
  • Improves blood circulation and oxygen absorption
  • Corrects excess Acidity in the body
RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea
RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, Cocozhi
  • Helps balancing the Bio-Chemistry : LDL, VLDL, TGL etc
  • Helps ‘Burning Out’ of Calories; Helps ‘ Weight reduction’
  • Regularises ‘Bowel movement’
  • Improves Digestion; Reduces Acidity; No Gastric problems
  • Improves Energy; Improves blood circulation
  • Strengthens Heart & Liver
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
DXN Tea, Lingzhi Coffee
  • Strengthens the Gum and Roots of the Teeth
  • Reduces Bad Breath; Stops Gum bleeding & Oral Ulcers
  • Prevents Plaque formation on the Teeth
  • Keeps the mouth Fresh for a long time
Ganozhi Tooth Paste
  • Reduces Infections and Itching
  • Maintains Supple, Elastic and Soft skin
  • Retains Natural Beauty; Improves Skin Tone
  • Helps healing of Cuts, Chirps, Burn-wounds, Ulcers
  • Helps healing Psoriasis, Fungal Patches
RG, GL, Massage oil, Chubby Baby Oil, Aloe V
  • Strengthens Follicles and reduces Hair loss
  • Reduces dandruff; Reduces split ends
  • Reduces ‘Itching’ and ‘Infection’
  • Preserves natural texture, softness & Silkiness
RG, GL, Ganozhi Shampoo,
Massage oil
  • Retains natural beauty
  • Removes black heads, dead cells
  • Maintains supple, elastic, soft skin
  • Reduces Dark Circles around eyes
  • Reduces Dark Patches on the face
  • Reduces wrinkles and improves skin tone
RG, GL, Ganozhi Soap & Shampoo, GSCS pack

DECLARATION ON WEBSITE CONTENTS: All the information and opinion furnished in this website, about DXN products, including the features, properties and consumer benefits, are based on our own knowledge and experience only.